Meet the team

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Gavin Eyles

DipArch RIBA

Gavin originally trained on the structural and engineering side of the industry. He attended Bath Technical College where initially he studied to be an engineer. He gained valuable work experience at LG Mouchel & Partners, a large engineering company where he became versed in civil engineering detailing. Following this he trained as an architectural technician as his interest in the visual detail of what he was designing began to flourish. He completed his education studying for both RIBA part l and ll at the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL under Michele Roelofsma.

After qualifying, Gavin worked for the Vernon Gibbs Partnership and Jestico and Whiles in Prague before joining Corrigan + Soundy + Kilaiditi Architects in 1998. He became an associate in 2009. The founding partners retired in 2016 and the practice was relaunched as CSK Architects (Ltd), with Gavin as one of three directors shaping a design studio specialising in bespoke, crafted buildings which have a real sense of ‘place and belonging’.

In his role as director, he has been responsible for a number of major projects for the Howard-de-Walden Estate and has also developed a Mews specialism having converted seven Mews houses over the past ten years in the Harley Street Conservation Area. He has also worked on significant commercial projects in Birmingham and Wokingham and a number of large residential schemes.

He maintains a keen interest in the technical side of architecture considering the beauty of the detail to be important at both the micro and macro scale.


There is a great joy in arriving at a solution that is not only technically but also visually pure. As a practice I feel we are especially skilled in working in sensitive urban and rural locations – our expertise is the development of explicitly contemporary buildings in locations of historical significance. I relish every stage of working in these difficult situations, from the intelligent exploration of possibilities through to the concise execution of an appropriate building.